A Big “Thank You” to All My Subscribers and Fans!

Thank you

Thank you (Photo credit: Avard Woolaver)

I started The Daily Hottenots just shy of one month ago, and it impresses me how much it has grown in such a short time!  Sure, I don’t have hundreds of thousands of views every day, and I don’t get hundreds of thousands of comments on my posts, but people are reading, and people are commenting.  And they’re sharing my content with other people!

Now I know that someone other than my mom is reading, and that there are one or two of you out there who actually like what I have to say….

Thanks, you guys, for giving me a reason to get up and do this every day.  When I started this thing, I thought that it probably wouldn’t get many bites—especially from friends of mine—because I have a habit of starting and stopping blogs.

In the past, I have had Dadaist attitude when it comes to blogging.  The second my blog gets a bit of popularity, I make it disappear.  But I promise you that the Daily Hottentots won’t disappear anytime soon.  I am having a lot of fun participating in the UBC and meeting other bloggers (in the virtual world of the internet, not real life…so far).  And after nearly 10 years of on again/off again blogging without a purpose, I feel that I actually have a real message to send now.  I want this to continue for many years to come.

Again, thank you everyone for all of your support and encouragement and please do not hesitate to let me know what YOU as readers really want to see from me.  I welcome all feedback.

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  1. Awww – this is a really nice blog. Looking forward to following you 🙂

  2. Glad you are getting so much from the UBC, we have all made some great friends here, you being amoungst one of mine. Why don’t you join us on WANA it is a supportive community for people such as us. Make sure you join ‘Bloggers Unite’ as one of your first tribes.

  3. Autumn Rose In NY

     /  July 11, 2012

    Angie you are “awesome and you know it” (in the tune of sexy and I know it) 😉

    • *Fluffs hair*

      *hands Autumn an I.O.U. for $100*

      Don’t let anyone know that I am paying people (or handing them an I.O.U. for future payment, rather) for heaping me with praise. 😛

  4. futurepull

     /  July 13, 2012

    I like this post because I can SO identify. I also have a habit of starting and stopping – not just blogs but everything. I’d love to know how you grew your readership. I want to do that.

    • I am shocked that I got 100 subscribers in less than a month. My last successful blog was at 17 subscribers and I thought that was awesome. lol I don’t know how I did it, really, other than sharing my content on UBC and people finding me through SITS (SITS is a fabulous community women bloggers) and WordPress. I think it shows over 500 on my little subscription button because I auto share my posts on my Facebook Timeline.

      • futurepull

         /  July 13, 2012

        I’ll look into SITS. I think I might get one of those cool pop-ups – not the annoying ones – that some people have. You know what would be cool! Getting a blogging award. I didn’t even know there were such things.

      • If I’m still keeping up with my blog in about 6-12 months, I might get my own domain and have my friend Rudy help me with a new design. And I might have a report about something or another to share with my readers and have a little pop up appear at the bottom of the page. Kinda like how Michelle Shaeffer has on her site. :p *wonders if I spelled Michelle’s last name right* My legal last name is Schaffer so my first instinct is to always spell it MY way. lol

  5. futurepull

     /  July 13, 2012

    I have a few domains and at least one website. But I need to give it more thought and coordinate better and stick with something a little longer. Are you goign to take the info product training put on by the partner of Michele – is is Michelle Scism? I’ve been searching for domain names for the product idea I have.

    • I might take the training…and I might not. It probably wouldn’t hurt.

      I’ve got about a million ideas in my head for writing and products but can never seem to get them organized lol.

  6. Angie,
    Just wanted to stop in and thank you for the follow and let you know I’m nominating you for the Sunshine Award. http://wp.me/p23WOs-nN

  1. Relaunching the Daily Hottentots « The Daily Hottentots

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