
Thanks for dropping by the Daily Hottentots, the blog that features little drops of wisdom from someone who isn’t so wise…

Who Am I?

AngieHi, I’m Angie Hottentots-Laurel, the sole contributor of this little blog.  I’m not a motivational speaker.  I’m not a therapist, psychiatrist, or anyone as important as all that.  I am just a regular dame who observes people and life, and I like to share my observations with others in posts that aim to motivate, inspire, and educate.

I have been in and out of the blogosphere since 2003, contributing to short-lived blogs with names that were more interesting than the content—Punchdrunk Insomniac, Gatsby is Dead, and the almost popular Haphazard Girl.  I focused mainly on politics, old Hollywood, and random junk that no one paid any real attention to.  I was a ranter.  YUCK…

So what IS The Daily Hottentots?

The Daily Hottentots was launched in June of 2012 as my personal blog, and since then it has gone through quite a few facelifts.  I honestly did not know what I wanted to do with it for a while; I was just flying by the seat of my pants here.  Eventually my readers decided what my content should be about…funny how that works out isn’t it?  My most popular posts deal with life, and how to get motivated or inspired.  Since those posts were (and still are) popular, I decided to expand on it and make my entire blog about  ways we can improve our overall lives.

Why should YOU read this blog?

If you like posts that bend toward self-help/self improvement and real world advice from a regular person who knows plain English, then you might be interested in sticking around for a while.  You might like what you see, or you might even be able to contribute some of your own thoughts!  I am open to all the help I can get…trust me.


If you like what you see here, and you want to receive regular updates, I strongly encourage you to subscribe via RSS feed or email.  You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter.

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