Who Are You Taking for Granted?

favorite quote

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.

~Cynthia Ozick

Who or what in your life are you taking for granted?  This is something that we humans often do—whether we want to admit it or not.

Usually it is a parent, or a sibling, or maybe a grandparent.  The people we take advantage of are related to us in one way or another, and we expect them to do things for us, or simply “be there”,  just because….

What happens when that person is no longer around to help us out?  They leave town or they leave this life, and the only thing we really have to cling to are memories of how they selflessly gave their time and energy to us.  What did you give them in return?  Can you reflect on this and honestly say that you give as much as you get from your loved ones?  I know I can’t, and I regret it.

New Orleans: Thank you message in the grotto o...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The next time someone, anyone, does anything for you:  remember to say “Thank You” and to offer something in return for the help they have given you.  They were there for you, so you be there for them in one way or another.

Here are some ideas that you can use to say “thanks” to the people who have been there for you through thick and thin:

  • Find out their favorite store/restaurant/brand and get them a gift certificate for it.
  • Pay for a day at the spa. They deserve a makeover and pampering.
  • Give them something homemade.  Bake them a cake, knit them a sweater, crochet an afghan, etc.
  • Mow their lawn or clean their house
  • Send them a handwritten letter thanking them for everything they have done for you (use a lot of detail.)
  • (Insert your idea here)

Even the smallest thought, or just simply saying “thanks” can have a huge impact.  Standing by and doing nothing while someone works hard for you just makes you look ungrateful, doesn’t it?

If you are taking someone or something for granted in your life, stop.  Remember the golden rule:  treat others as you would like to be treated.  You will find out that giving back to those who have given so much to you is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world.

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  1. I felt a little like Rex from Toy Story, “Oh no! Now I have Guilt!” But that, I think, was a knee jerk reaction. I love the sentiment of what you’re saying it impressed me enough that I quickly ran down my ‘list’ of folks to remember to show gratitude to. Thankfully it wasn’t long, so far I’m doing pretty good on that score, Great Post!!

    • I’m still ticking the list I made of people to thank for birthday wishes/gifts. I’m extremely forgetful (that’s an understatement lol), so I have to constantly remind myself who it is I have to thank for something.

      My parents and grandparents were always after us kids to remember this stuff.

      • An old fashioned concept that should never be forgotten. I have a memory like a goldfish myself. So I know where you’re coming from. LOL

  2. futurepull

     /  July 13, 2012

    The other day I met a couple who used to own an electrical contracting firm that I worked for. They were so kind to me and my son at a time when I really needed it. Over the years I thought about how they changed my life and thought about sending them a letter, but I never did. When I ran into them the other day, the woman said hi and then ran off following the clerk. I chatted with the husband for a while and told him I wanted to thank him for all they had done for me and how kind they were and then I cried. Right there in the store! At a time when I was so broke and my son was only 8, they not only put him on their family ski membership, they came into town every saturday, picked him up and took him skiing wth their family.

    • I love hearing stories about when owners/CEO of companies do things to help their employees. 😀 Thanks for sharing!

      It’s awesome to see and hear stories like that because it proves that executives are capable of being human.

  3. sharonaheartspaceinspired

     /  July 13, 2012

    Love it!! You are so right, we can never underestimate the power of a simple thank you that is authentically given. The other thing I would highlight is just saying thank you when you receive a compliment or praise – don’t just brush it off 🙂

    • Absolutely, Sharon! I’m one of the people who has had to learn how to take a compliment.

      If you brush off a compliment, you’re less likely to get another one.

  4. Learned a long time ago not to take folks for granted. Because in my case, those folks were few and far between.

  2. Feeling Uninspired? You’re Not Alone « The Daily Hottentots

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